HKIP's Comments on the Review on the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance (Cap. 531)

Comments on the Review on the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance (Cap. 531)

1.      From the town planning perspective, the purpose of the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance (“PHO”) should be to ensure Victoria Harbour would be protected from property development and would be reserved for public enjoyment. The Hong Kong Institute of Planners (“HKIP”) supports in principle amending PHO along two strategic directions:

(1)   To strengthen the mechanism for large-scale reclamations;

(2)   To facilitate in a reasonable manner small-scale reclamations for harbour enhancement works or non-permanent reclamations which would strengthen the harbour functions and enhance public enjoyment of the harbour with exemption from the “overriding public need” test.


2.      While there is no explanation in the current PHO on the procedure and timeframe of how “overriding public need” test is assessed and no requirement for public participation, we consider that it is necessary to provide a clear mechanism in the review of PHO. We propose that reclamation proponent should submit the reclamation proposal and all relevant assessments to Town Planning Board (“TPB”) to review, together with a reasonable public engagement process for the public to inspect and comment on the proposal. We suggest all project proponents should prepare and submit landscape and visual impact assessments to ensure the marine landscape is not subject to excessive adverse impact and quality views of/from both sides of the Victoria Harbour are preserved. TPB being an effective statutory body in Hong Kong overseeing the preparation of/amendment to land use plans and considering applications for planning permissions in a fair, open and just manner, should play a role in assessing whether the “overriding public need” test is satisfied, before submitting to Chief Executive-in-Council for approval. 


3.      For specific harbour enhancement works such as promenade, boardwalk, landing steps, etc. especially those which could provide more opportunities for public enjoyment of the harbour, we support providing a special arrangement for exemption from the “overriding public need” test.


4.      We also support allowing special arrangements for exemption from the “overriding public need” test for non-permanent reclamations with a reasonable scale and timeframe. However, the time limit as well as its renewal mechanism would need to be carefully defined to avoid system abuse resulting in a permanent reclamation.



Public Affairs Committee

The Hong Kong Institute of Planners

29 Aug 2023









