Climate Change: Net-Zero Buildings


As you probably know, buildings in Hong Kong account for over 60% of Hong Kong’s carbon emissions! The first zero carbon building in Hong Kong, opened in 2013, makes use of various renewable energy strategies to eliminate dependence on power supply companies for energy, thereby making a contribution in alleviating the impact on the climate. If more of our buildings could achieve net-zero, Hong Kong would be taking a big leap towards carbon neutrality.

In this issue, let us begin with familiarising ourselves with some concepts on net-zero buildings:

How Net-Zero Buildings Can Help The Climate Crisis

Speaker: Hal Harvey, co-author of “Designing Climate Solutions: A Policy Guide for Low-Carbon Energy”

What is Embodied Carbon in Buildings?

Publisher: Endeavour Centre

Climate solutions and technologies are no longer surreal or far-fetched. We now turn to the reality and look at some real life, overseas examples:

How Danish Architects are Building a Carbon-Neutral Copenhagen

Reporter: Mo Rocca, CBS Correspondent

When Trees Meet Buildings

Publisher: The B1M

Achieving Net Zero Carbon in Buildings – A Whole Life Carbon Approach CPD Seminar

Speakers: David Spiteri, Design Associate and Mirko Farnetani, Embodied Carbon & Circular Economy Specialist, Hilson Moran Partnership Ltd.

In the upcoming issues, we are going to explore more aspects of, and solutions for, climate change. Please stay tuned!

Climate ChangeHKIP