Winner of HKIP Awards 2020

Silver Awards 銀獎

The Conservation and Revitalizing Project of Huaxiang, Quanzhou, China 泉州花巷保護提升項目

Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co. Ltd. 同濟大學建築設計研究院(集團)有限公司
Fujian No.5 Construction Engineering Co. 福建省第五建築工程公司


Situated in the ancient city of Quanzhou, Huaxiang is a lane with unique historical value. Endowed with a variety of invaluable artefacts and relics since the Tang Dynasty, the lane has been developed into a well-known shopping street of traditional handicrafts, containing collective memories of the local people. The main concern of planners in this project is not on conservation of the physical fabrics of the area, but protection of the authenticity, integrity and continuity of the historic lane. The project illustrates a new approach to conservation of the historic precinct by understanding the past through the history and physical structures, rather than writings by the historians.

The planning emphasis is on the integration of community participation and conservation of historic precinct through the provision of ‘Realm of Memory’ of Huaxiang, which not only preserves the collective memories of local people, but also reflects the contemporaneity and continuity of heritage conservation. Moreover, through the retention of rights of the existing residents to continue living and doing business in the area as well as increase in community space, the original home feeling of the lane is retained.



Gist of Adjudicators’ Comments:

  • The people-centric revitalisation project has paid due regard to Huaxiang as an ancient street with significant historical value in the city of Quanzhou, which not only possesses invaluable relics and local culture since Tang Dynasty but is also a popular traditional handicraft shopping street.

  • Outstanding features of the project include (a) compilation of ‘Map of Memories’ to highlight elements of conservation/protection based on literature research and public consultation; (b) respect for property rights and preservation of historical buildings; (c) promotion of local culture by converting disused factory building into a complex of exhibition centre, craftsman studios and creative workshops; and (d) preservation of and improvement to the living environment of the local communities through building renovation and streetscape improvement.

  • The submission is outstanding in presentation. It has set out the study objectives, methodology and proposals as well as project implementation in a structured and succinct manner. The wise use of maps, graphs and photomontages has conveyed the planning ideas and proposals effectively and convincingly. The meticulous efforts of the project team deserve high commendation.


  • 花巷不僅保留了自唐代以來珍貴的文物及當地文化,亦是一條受歡迎的傳統手工藝品購物街。這個以人為本的活化項目充分考慮了花巷作為泉州古街的重要歷史價值。

  • 該項目展現了以下的優點:(a)根據文獻研究和公眾諮詢編寫「記憶地圖」,強調保育和保留的元素;(b)尊重產權和保育歷史建築物;(c)通過將廢棄的廠房改建為展覽中心、工匠工作室和創意工作室,促進當地文化;(d)通過翻新建築和改善街景,保留和改善當地社區的生活環境。

  • 提交的文件表達非常出色,有條理及簡潔地羅列出研究目標、方法、建議及項目實施。透過明智地運用地圖、圖表和合成照片,有效及令人信服地傳達其規劃概念和建議。 項目團隊的細緻工作值得高度讚揚。
